Current Projects
Chair AI for bioacoustics (1200 Keur)[PI]
Scaled Acoustic BIODiversity CNRS [PI]
Anti-Collision GIAS Eu project [PI] (500 Keur)
AI for Carabeean cetacean survey (200 Keuro) [PI]
Passive Acoustic Monitoring of ORCA with OrcaLab [PI]
Biodiversity monitoring of Quebec [PI of AI part] for MFFP
Norway French ASGARD 2021...[PI]
DYNI research group [PI]
ERMITES Workshops [PI]
Previous Projects
Video of our AUV detector for SPID project
Co-PI of the National Security Dpt grant (SPID) for anti-drone passive acoustic system ANR 'SPID' granted june 2016, with SNCF, EDF [Co-Pi]
Chair of Int. Workshops
Series on Multimodal Information Retrieval: ERMITES 2006-16
ICML ulb 2014
NIPS 4b 2013
ICML 4b 2013
Contest Campaigns
1st @ automatic fish classification LifeClef 2014 challenge (in MTPA journ.)
1st @ automatic plant classification ImageClef 2012 challenge
2nd/6 on recall precision criteria on violent scene detection in Hollywood movies at Affect Event MediaEval 2011
Scaled Acoustic Biodiversity [SABIOD], 1st at Multiple Whale Passive Acoustic Tracking challenge
4th/11 @ Visual Concept Detection ImageClef 2008 (after Xerox, RWTH, LIP6)
3th/24 with AVEIR run @ Photo Retrieval Diversity ImageClef 2009 (after XEROX, DCU)
5th/13 @ Visual Concept Detection ICPR2010 ImageClef (after CVSSPret, ISIS, IJS, PTECH, MMIS)
High Level Features detection @ TREC VIDEO 2008-09 (IRIM project)
L2 Math-Info Graph Theory
Master-Information Theory formulae
Master SIS - lessons in Content Based Information Retreival
Former Phd Students
S. Tollari 11.2003-11.2006
N. Ben Aloui 12.2006-11.2009
S. Fraihat 04.2007-04.2010
A. Zidouni 11.2007-10.2010
F. Caudal-Benard 11.2007-2011T
P. Marchart 12.2009-12.2012
R. Abeille 11.2010-12.2013
Y. Doh 11.2011-12.2014
M. Bartcus 12.2012-10.2015
J. Patris 10.2015-12.2019
M. Poupard 01.2018-12.2020
M. Ferrari 10.2017-09.2020
Current Phd Students
P. Best 09.2019-08.2022
N. Thellier 11.2020-10.2023
J. Jenkins 10.2020-09.2023
Z. Q. Zhao (2007-2009) Now Assoc. Pr @ Hong Kong univ
E. Dumont (2009)
X. Halkias (2011-14) Now Patent expert @ New-York
A. Mishchenko (2012-14) SATT, Cyberio
L. Alecu (2014-16) Sycie FUI AI Robotics
J. Schluter (2017-19)Bioacoustics
M. Ferrrari (2021-23) Chair AI Bioacoustics ADSIL
M. Poupard (2021-25) Chair AI Bioacousitcsi ADSIL
Engineer assistants.
J. Ricard with Sermicro
P.-H. Joalland Phrase RAPID
AFCP (Assoc. Franc Comm. Parlee)
Master Sciences de L'information & Systemes
Master Dev. et Appl. Plateformes Mobiles
Master Erasmus Mundus MIR

Hervé GLOTIN (Pr.)

Honorary member 2011-16 of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF *) for outstanding research.
Systems and Information Sciences Lab LIS CNRS 7020
Univ. de Toulon, BP20132-83957 La Garde CEDEX-France glotin (at)

Head of the Research and Teaching chair in Artificial Intelligence "Advanced Machine Listening for Bioacoustic and Subsea"

Founder and head of the International Center of Artificial Intelligence for Natural Acoustics (in the continuity of ADSIL Chair and the Scaled Acoustic Biodiversity Big Data CNRS Project (


Participations to Phd or HDR Juries (2006-21)

My bibliography (Google Scholar)

Full CV and bibliography (2024)

Representation learning / Bioacoustics / Deep learning / Machine listening / Cognitive systems


Pi Passive Acoustics Monitoring in Antarctic PolarPod Expedition (design array, online detect.)
Pi of ArcticFjord3D expedition, interdiscp. 12 experts x 2 weeks in arctic fjord monitoring, 70Ke
Pi Int. Research Program CNRS with Chili and Argentina on cetacean survey, 100Ke
coPi FEDER intereg SeaStMar on whale anti collision with our Bombyx AI sonobuoy, 60Ke
CoPi European project TABMON Biodivera: AI for continental scale bird survey, 120Ke
LocalPi EOLMED, survey of Qair marine eolian parc, expertise on bio/acoustics, 100Ke
LocalPi PIA PSIBIOM on IoT for terrestrial fauna monitoring, 210Ke
Pi ADAPREDAT ARCTIC exped. bioacoustic marine megafauna, Interdiscp. MITI CNRS, 60Ke
LocalPi PIA TERRAFORMA on terrestrial fauna acoustic monitoring, AI group, 80Ke
LocalPi ANR ULPCochlea on spiking neural networks for bioacoustics, 120Ke
Pi european project EUROPAM Biodivera on marine biophony vs anthropophony, 120Ke
Pi of ANR Sylvania on Synchronized low power bioacoustical observatories, 120Ke
localPi of FEDER intereg. GIAS on whale marine traffic anti collision, Bombyx buoy, 220Ke
Pi of the national AI Chair in bioacoustics, ADSIL, ANR, 550Ke
localPi La Voix des cachalots, individual whale communication, WhaleWay & Mauritius, 60Ke
Pi BirdSurvey on 60 acoustic stations of Boreal region to StLaurent, Quebec, 200Ke
Pi SphyrnaOdyssey, DNA & Acoustics cetacean survey from surface drone, FPA2 EdM 600Ke
LocalPi CARIMAM (2021 then continued in CIAN): Carabeans passive acoustic network, 110Ke

Winner of the Research and Teaching chair in Artificial Intelligence "Advanced Machine Listening for Bioacoustic and Subsea"

: at the
AI for Humanity day in 2018, the President of the French Rep. opened the national programme for AI as major research component. In coll. with Adeline Paiement, Sebastien Paris, Joseph Razik, Antoine Liutkus, Mark Asch and Paul Cristini.

I'm the scientific director of Explorations Monaco 2019-20, Sphyrna-Odyssey (ASV bioacoustic monitoring of Abyssea)

with Monaco Exploration, Fondation Albert II de Monaco et Accobams
Evaluation de l'impact environnemental acoustique de l'exploitation sous-marine profonde (ABYSSOUND) Projet FUI Abyssound 2017 - 2020 with Gipsa-lab, MicrodB, DCNS, SemanticTS, Osean, LMA, Ifremer (I'm Pi for LIS)

ANR Unsupervised Learning at Large Scale, 2018-2022 with INRIA and univ Caen (I'm Pi for LIS)
Survey of cetaceans in Carabians, CARIMAM project, Hardware and Software Leader, for Agence Francais de la Biodiversite 2019-2020 [Co PI with V. Gies]
Bird Monitoring of Quebec for the Ministery of Env. of Quebec - 2018-2020 [PI]

Recent past

General Local Chair of the 5th Int. Conf. on Learning Representations - ICLR 2017, Toulon, 1500 att.

1st internat. Bioacoustic Hackathon - Learning Bioacoustic Representations - 26 and 27th Oct 2016 Toulon : you'll learn to solve some selected most difficult challenges of classification and tracking animal into submarine or forest soundscapes - Few places left : Free but mandatory registration before the 15th october @


CHERNOBYL Exclusion Zone Acoustic Bird Detection IEEE challenge joint to Warblr mobile crowdsourcing, (> 10,000 hours of audio). Prizes: 500 euros (MADICS CNRS).

G. Richard, T. Virtanen, N. Ono, J. Pablo Bello, and I are guest editors of a special issue of the IEEE/ACM Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Proc. on sound scene and event analyses for indoor and outdoor environments

Whale acoustic monitoring in french Riviera

3D Whale tracking patent demo

Video of our AUV detector for SPID project

SPID [Co-PI]: ANR / National Security Dpt anti-drone passive acoustic tracking research

with SNCF, GIGN, French Air Force... Summary - Objectives. - Gouvernemental review on SPID> - DEMO in VIDEO

Press : Discussions in BBC on Whale communication

Discussion in New York-Times on Whale communication

Data Mining for Environmental Passive Monitoring wkp - joint to ICDM - USA nov 2015 [general chair]

I'm invited Pr. at Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria university, whole summer 2015, to design advanced passive submarine acoustic algorithms to survey cetacean and boat trafic.

'Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Model for Unsupervised Biocoustic Analysis' IJCNN 2015.

Multimodal Submarine Buoy : BOMBYX : Bioacoustics Megafauna recording 2011-19

Our new patent on joint Dopler and Time delay of arrival combinatronics is accepted

M. Lassek, Berlin, wins our challenge of massive passive acoustic Bird Identification (1000 species, 20 % of the world species). Following our ICML2013, NIPS2013 and Life2014 bird challenges, this crasy challenge contained 33K sound files from Amazonia [co-Pi]

Int'l workshop / school on Advanced Multimodal Information Retrieval [ERMITES 10th], 'Big Data Sciences for Bioacoustic Environmental Survey', Avril 2015 [general chair] with P. Flandrin, G. Pavan,... video are being online.


Big Data ULearnBio ICML 2014 workshop CFP:'Unsupervised Learning from Bioacoustic Big Data' june 2014-Beijing [co-general chair]

ICML 2014 ULearnBio challenges, [co-Pi]

LifeCLEF 2014 BIG BIRD Identification challenge (14K audio records, 500 species mostly from Brazil): following our pionner ICML 2013 and NIPS 2013 challenges, this one has 5 times more species [co-Pi]

Neural Information Processing Scaled to Bioacoustics workshop (joint to NIPS) - Nevada 2013 (with Y. LeCun, S. Mallat, T.Artieres, O. Tchernichovski, X. Halkias) - Bird and Whale NIPS4B challenges [general chair]

Invited speaker @ "Cetacean echolocation & outer space neutrinos: ethology & physics interdisciplinary approach to underwater bioacoustics"

The Bioacoustic classification challenge @ ICML2013 [co general chair]

Machine Learning for Bioacoustics workshop (joint to ICML) Atlanta 2013 (with Y. LeCun NY univ., C. Clark & P. Dugan Cornell univ.) [general chair]

BIO Inspired Optimal Systems Symposium [general chair]

Invited discussant @ Institut Hautes Etudes Scientifiques IHES - Mathematical Models of Sound Analysis 2012

DYNI bioacoustic research at TV Thalassa magazine 2013

ONCET project for Pelagos cetacean sanctuary (excerpt FranceTV, also shown at Oceanographic Museum of Monaco 2/13

Invited talk @ "Human dialects & animal communication, Common principles & differences" workshop


"Cooperative Sparse Representation in Two Opposite Directions for Semi-supervised Image Annotation" IEEE Trans Image Proces. 2012 DOI 10.1109/TIP.2012.2197631

Editor of "Soundscape Semiotics - Localisation and Categorisation"

FranceTV interview on bioacoutics, April 2012 (60Mo)

"Indexing and querying segmented web pages: the BlockWeb Model" in World Wide Web journal, Vol. 14 2011 10.1007/s11280-011-0124-6

"Stochastic Low-Rank Kernel Learning for Regression" @ ICML 2011

Research Interests

Habilitation thesis: "Information retrieval and robust perception Audio-Video-Lego", 2007. Jury : Gallinari P., Jauffret C. , Barhen J., Bengio S., Merialdo B., Scholl M., Le Maitre J.

PhD thesis: "Adaptive Multi-Stream Automatic Speech Recognition : Harmonicity to Noise Ratio and Localisation cues", dir. Bourlard H. and Berthommier F., Jury : Schwartz JL., Haton JP., Meloni H., Crowley J., De Mori R.
: "Elaboration et comparaison de systemes adaptatifs multi-flux de reconnaissance robuste de la parole : incorporation des indices de voisement et de localisation", 2001 PDF (10Mo for acroread) PS.GZ (7Mo).

Former projects

SYCIE : Multimodal Maritime Multi-Drone Mission Optimisation (+Prolexia, IFREMER, DCNS, FUI project) 2013-2017 [Co-Pi]

Scaled Acoustic Biodiversity Interdisplinary Big Data CNRS (+Museum Histoires Naturelles de Paris, University P. & M. Curie, Orsay, CNPS, GipsaLab, Pavia univ. IT., Cornell Univ USA, Victoria univ CA.,...) 2012-2017 [Pi]

Multimodal Submarine DataMining : BOMBYX : Joint Bioacoustics, Fauna video recording and courantology - 2011-19

We run a bioacoustic experiment in Groenland with TARA

PHRASE : Augmented Reality and Autonomous Perception (+Inst. Science Mouvement, Prolexia, DGA RAPID project), 2012-2015 [Co Pi]

ANR COGNILEGO: from Pixels to Semantics (+Neurobiology LNIA lab, A2IA OCR world leader), 2011-2014 [Pi]

ANR ANCL, Learning to read 2008-2010 [Co Pi]
ANR AVEIR, Web Image Auto-Annotation 2007-2009 [Co Pi]
Other in vision: ACI TCAN and ANR ANCL (2005-2009) on neurocomputationnel reading
Other in speech recognition: audiovisual VIA VOICE with IBM (2001), Cost 249, ESPRIT : RESPITE and SPHEAR

PhD students

  • sept 2003 - oct 2006, (+J. Le Maitre Pr. CNU 27) PhD codir of S. Tollari : 'Indexation et recherche d'images par fusion d'information textuelles et visuelles' (USTV grant) Now Assoc. Pr. LIP6 Paris 6.
  • fev 2006 - janv 2009 (+O. Papini Pr. CNU 27) PhD codir of N. Ben Aloui : 'Biometrie multimodale par parametrisation et fusion qualitatives' (CIFRE DCNS grant). Now ing. researcher @ DCNS.
  • fev 2007 - mars 2010 PhD dir of S. Fraihat : 'Representation parcimonieuse temps-frequence de la parole' (LSIS grant). Now Asso. Pr. Fac. of Inf. Technol., AL-Ahliyya Amman Univ., Amman, Jordan.
  • oct 2007 - 2011: PhD dir of F. Caudal-Benard : 'Trajectographie temps-reel par acoustique passive et analyse des emissions de mammiferes marins' (REGION + Chrisar Software grant).
  • oct 2007 - dec 2010: PhD dir of A. Zidouni : 'Discriminant graphic model for sequence labeling : application to radiophonic named entity recognition' (Ministery grant).Now Ing. Reseacher @ ADSN Thales Services.
  • oct 2009 - dec 2012: (+L. Ralaivola Pr. CNU 27) Phd codir P. Machart (Ministery grant): Coping with the Computational and Statistical Bipolar Nature of Machine Learning . Now post doc at IRISA Panama team
  • oct 2010 - sept 2013: (+P. Giraudet CNU 69) PhD dir of R. Abeille (USTV grant): 'Multipulsed biosonar robust decomposition, application to whale authentification'
  • nov 2011 - dec 2014: (+J. Razik, O. Adam Pr CNU 61) PhD codir of Y. Doh: 'Bioacoustique robuste embarquee' (Region PACA)
  • dec 2012 - oct 2015: (+F. Chamroukhi) PhD dir of M. Bartcus (Ministery grant): 'Unsupervised Bayesian learning for large scale scene analysis'
  • oct 2015 - dec 2019 : (+M. Asch, Pr CNU 25) PhD dir. of Julie Patris (STICAmSud grant): 'High Perf. Comput. for 3D finite element bioacoustics (SPECFEM3D)'
  • oct 2017-oct 20 : Phd dir M. Ferrari (Dir, Codir M Asch): Biosonar : an AI approach'
  • jan. 2018-dec. 20 : PhD dir. of M. Poupard 'Multiscaled bioacoustics'
  • oct 2018 ...: Phd Dir of P. Best 'Intelligent sonobuoy with Emb AI for bioacoustics'
  • oct 2020 ... : PhD dir. J. Jenkins with Y. Ourmieres and A. Paiement 'Vortex forecasting by AI'
  • Current PhD : (+)Multimodal AI, (@) machine listening, (&)AI Bioacoustics : L. Lenhoff 2024; A. Deverin @ 2025; S.Chavin* & 2026 ; L.Berkenbaum*& 2026 ; J. Girardet* & 2027 ; N. Deloustal * & 2027; G. Patenotre* & 2028. S Viera 2026


(in french and english): AI for robotics, master ROC (2019-24) Advanced AI, master DID (2019-24) Traitement automatique de la parole Télécom (master 2008-15), Transcription de documents numériques (master 2008-12), Recherche d'information (master 2008-12), Biométrie / Bioacoustics (2003-07; 2013-21), RI dans documents audio-visuels (master 2008-15), Theorie de l'information (master 2008-12,licence 2018-23), Graph Theory (licence 2006-17), Data Sciences (formation Ing. CNAM 2016-), Traitement du Signal (formation CNAM 2016-). MASTER DID and Master Erasmus Mundus MIR and Master ROC

Reviewer for

Journals: PlosOne, several IEEE Transactions ASP, ASA, App. Acoustics, MTAP...
Conferences : area chair NIPS 2016, ICLR 2017, ICML, ICDM 2015, Eusipco 2017, Interspeech 2013, ICASSP, CLEF 2013-17, ...
Workshops: ICDM2015, NIPS4B 2014, ICML4B 204, ICMLulb 2015, EMR 2015, LIFEClef 2015-16...


Last update : 11.2024

* What is IUF ? (find details on IUF web site) : The mission of the Institut universitaire de France is to promote high quality research, and to strengthen interdisciplinary projects. The members are selected by 2 separated international juries, ... none of the laureates can be co-opted. The evaluations of the juries are based on the scientific work (innovation, interdisciplinary projects, international reputation, and the hability of the applicant in developing a project of quality). IUF member status represents 2% of the tenures of french universities.